Monday, October 1, 2007

Changes - Individual and Relational Therapy

Changes - Individual and Relational Therapy is a therapy clinic focused on emotional and relational improvement. In addition to individual, marriage and family therapy issues, Changes offers special workshops in communication and sexual/relational intimacy.

Rates are $100.00 session. Sessions are approximately 50 minutes in duration.

Treatment philosophy is practical, solution focused, and strategic. Therapy is goal driven with clear objectives. This means that there will be between session activities designed to foster change.
To schedule a private session via person to person or phone, please email me at or call me at 801-543-2120.

COMMUNICATIONS: There are two parts to the communications workshops. The first workshop is geared towards helping people deal more effectively during disagreements. The second workshop is designed to help couples reduce the number and frequency of disagreements by taking what they already know about each other, and their triggers and make agreements about how to respect their differences.

RELATIONAL/SEXUAL INTIMACY: There are two parts to the Intimacy workshops

"Becoming One" part I is a frank and tasteful exploration of the elements of intimacy, and the road to mutually satisfying sexual fulfillment in marriage. Emil Harker, M.S. Mariage and Family Therapist and member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) presents these fun and enlightening seminars based on teachings in the book "And They Were Not Ashamed--Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment" by Laura M. Brotherson. Seminars occur monthly in Layton, Utah (25 miles north of Salt Lake City) with upcoming seminars on Sat. Oct 20 and Sat. Nov 17, 2007. Cost is $100 per couple. Contact Emil Harker at (801) 543-2120 for more information and to reserve your spot.


Married Guy said...

Wow! Great blog. Look forward to attending the seminar. Married Guy

Lisa said...

We attended the intimacy workshop, even though we felt like our relationship was great. Wow! Had no idea how useful the information would be. We gained great insights into each other's perspectives, thoughts and feelings.

As I said, we felt like we've always had a great relationship, which is true. But as with anything in life, we always must move onward and upward. So glad we attended this workshop, as our relationship and love for each other has been magnified.

Great date night!

Brooke said...

I attended the intimacy workshop several weeks ago and enjoyed it so much that I went back again! I realized that even though I enjoy a wonderful marriage and friendship with my husband, there was so much I didn't know about understanding and responding to his feelings and needs. Emil offered so much helpful insight and advice in enriching my relationship with him. I appreciate the many valuable lessons I learned and the way in which they have helped my marriage and love for my companion grow and develop into something greater and more pure than I ever knoew was possible.
To be able to love and be loved on a higher plane of understanding was my favorite thing i learned during this seminar. I would encourage anybody, whether they're in a marriage that's thriving or not, to attend this class. There's something for everyone to learn...and aside from all that, it's entertaining!

AMK said...

I have attended individual therapy sessions which has been life changing for me. Through the tools I have been shown and as I have applied those in my life I have experienced a transformation in me as a person and with my relationships. My husband and I attended the intimacy session and even though you've heard the information before it is presented in a way which really makes you stop, think and want to apply it in your marriage. What we thought was the most beneficial was learning how we are wired differently and the ability to come to respect that and just try to out love one another. Also, being real with one another and transparent is very important for a marriage, in EVERY area of your marriage. Also, my husband and I have received relational therapy which has grown and brought my husband and I in unity so that we can experience the fullness of our marriage and who we are together. My husband and I are grateful to Emil, he's the LOVE DOCTOR!!! His fudge is out of this world too! I encourage all couples and individuals to seek therapy and attend his sessions on intimacy and communication because it will truly transform you and your life and marriage. Adriana and Mike

Anonymous said...

My Fiance and i have been attending his pre-marriage therapy session. They have been in-valuable!!! We have learned to better communicate with each other and learned how to dis-arm the "landmines" that arise in our relationship. He is so kind and genuine. I am so thankful for his help and expertise. With the tools his therapy has provided we will begin our marriage with greater communication and a more detailed understanding of the needs and limitations of each other.
If you are trying to decided on a therapist.... Look no further. He is one in a billion! if you have any questions feel free to email me.
Big J